AuDHD (Autism + ADHD) Resources

AuDHD is a short way to write Autism + ADHD. AuDHD is not considered a distinct diagnosis, but rather a type of multiple neurodivergence. Recent research suggests that 50-70% of Autistics are also ADHD (Wang et al., 2017) and 30-65% of ADHDers have significant Autistic traits (Sokolova et al., 2017). So if an individual is identified as either Autistic or ADHD, there is a high likelihood that they are AuDHD.Prior to 2013 and the DSM-5, an individual could only be diagnosed with Autism OR ADHD, so recognizing that they often coincide is a relatively new development and research is consequently limited. While the DSM-5-TR diagnostic criteria for Autism and ADHD are distinct, reports of lived experiences suggest that there may be more overlap than the DSM suggests. However, given that there are likely many ADHDers who are unidentified Autistics (and vice versa), it’s also possible that the overlap is less than we think! There is a huge diversity in the way AuDHD looks (as this video on 5 signs you have Autism and ADHD describes) so it is important to understand how Autism and ADHD intersect and interact for each specific individual. Here are some common experiences of AuDHDers (which won’t necessarily resonate for all AuDHDers):

  • Craving routines but finding it difficult to maintain routines
  • Being outgoing and social but needing a lot of time to recover from socializing
  • Having deep interests but they are short-lived (getting bored and needing to move on)
  • Feeling torn between a need for pre-planning and predictability and a need for novelty
  • Hating when other people are late to meetings but having difficulty getting to meetings on time yourself
  • Not having many executive functioning challenges because of being really good at creating routines and processes
  • Getting excited about new projects and taking on a lot because your ADHD side loves the challenge and novelty, then crashing and becoming overwhelmed because your Autistic side needs rest and has reached capacity

This page contains a variety of neurodiversity-affirmative resources about AuDHD ways of being. The resources listed here are far from comprehensive but it’s a good starting point to learn more about AuDHD. [note: this page contains affiliate links for the books suggested – your purchase through this page earns me a small commission at no additional cost to you] Looking for more AuDHD resources? Check out our shop!


Sokolova, E., Sluiter-Oerlemans, A., Rommelse, N. N., Groot, P., Hartman, C., Glennon, J., Claassen, T., Heskes, T., & Buitelaar, J. (2017). A causal and mediation analysis of the comorbidity between Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders47(6), 1595–1604.

Wang, T., Liu, K., Li, Z., Xu, Y., Liu, Y., Sh,i W., et al. (2017). Prevalence of attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder among children and adolescents in China: a systematic review and meta-analysis. BMC Psychiatry, 17(1), 32.

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